Camporee Outline Mercer Area District

Double Eagle Mystery Camporee Outline

The MAD Video Team produced a special DVD before the Camporee.
The Double Eagle Mystery Video consists of four episodes of background
and clues to help solve the mystery. The conclusion, however,was only
revealed at the Camporee and does not appear on the DVD.
Each participating Troop received a copy of the DVD a month prior
to the event to show to their Scouts. The video was also shown twice
on Friday night at the Camporee using a video projector and a big screen.
After the end of the Camporee, each Scout and adult participant received
a professionally-packaged edition of the DVD.

Details of the stations and the point system is given in the Station List below.
Activity stations were run on a pass-fail basis, but there were also four
competitons at the event, Orienteering Challenge, Campsite Inspection,
Youth Dutch Oven Donut Cook Off, and Adult Chili Cook Off.

Because of the large number of patrols involved, in order to give each patrol
the same opportunity, and eliminate copying another patrol's solution, a computer
program was developed to randomly generate 100 unique secret messages with
100 unique secret keys. See How To Code And Decode Messages below.
Each message was exactly the same length and format, but contained only one
of ten possible solutions. An actual secret message and its secret key is
given below for you to try decoding and extracting a solution.
A master list that matched secret message numbers to solution numbers
was generated, but only given to four people at the event.

Station List (doc)
How To Code And Decode Messages (doc)
Example Secret Message For Patrol #52 (doc)
Example Secret Key For Patrol #52 (doc)

Go to Double Eagle Mystery Home Page

Last revision : 31-May-2007